One Year Later


March 16th, 2021

Dear Friends,

Today marks the one year anniversary of our chess program going completely virtual. One year ago, during a time filled with tremendous fear and uncertainty, we pledged to provide uninterrupted chess programing for your children and the communities we support - knowing that chess could help create a much needed sense of normalcy during very challenging times, and that our chess programs would become a place of much needed community and interaction for so many of our students. (we have included our message from one year ago below.)

One year later, our chess communities continue to thrive. Through access to meaningful competition, our players and teams continue to collectively work hard towards individual and team success. We have partnered with new schools, and engaged many new players through our virtual programming while still providing our veteran players with the opportunity to continue to push towards new heights. Through our The Gift of Chess initiative we are beyond excited to give each of our students their very own chess set this coming Spring.

With one full year now behind us, even though we will continue to support virtual learning - we now pledge to help push towards physical programming, helping create the confidence that, in a safe & measured way, our players can once again meet over the board. It is so important that our kids can once again enjoy all the benefits that human interactions through the game of chess can provide. We are working towards providing physical tournaments, camps and programs in the very near future.

We remain proud members of your communities and look forward to many exciting chess days ahead.

Thank you for being a part of our community - we are always stronger together!


Coach Russ & Ian

March 16th, 2020

Dear Friends,

I will start by wishing you all well! Ian and I wish you well, our coaches are wishing you well, everyone is wishing everyone well. We are all in this together.

We all understand the gravity of our current situation and also understand the actions we take now, the positive tone we set and the leadership we provide will prove very important over the next coming weeks and beyond.

As I have always said, we are proud members of your community and your children rely on us to help provide not only chess instruction but connect them to a greater community, purpose and really in many ways help shape them as individuals.

Our impact with your children and in your community will not change. Ian, myself and our entire team are committed to not only adapting to our current climate but also being a source of calm and support during this time.

Moving forward we will be rolling out our schedule of structured activities to help keep your kids engaged in chess and also inspired each morning to take on a new day.

These activities will include live streams, online group lessons, online private lessons, puzzle competitions, daily tournaments, team tournaments, interactive team opportunities and more.

We are not going anywhere, just changing gears momentarily.

Please take a moment to watch our short video below.

Be well


Coach Russ

Russ Makofsky