Spring Program Guide - Register Today


Our Fall / Winter Chess Programs have been a tremendous success as we have been able to keep each of our players and communities engaged through access to weekly Chess Club & Team practices, Daily Virtual Training Clubs, Daily Scholastic Chess Leagues, Saturday Octagons, Sunday Park Socials and Monthly Team Tournaments.

With the addition of our school-wide outreach - including our Superstar Chess League along with our new The Gift of Chess initiative - we are confident we will continue to expand the great game of chess - even in our current virtual environment.

We look forward to plenty of exciting chess ahead!

Register Here

Spring Virtual Programs:

Welcome to our Impact Coaching Network / G & T Chess Spring Chess Programs! Our programs represent an incredible network of players, families, schools and communities ranging from complete beginners all the way to many of the top players and teams in the United States!

Even though this Spring we will continue to be completely virtual, in many ways, our programs become more important than ever. Not only will we continue to strive to help guide and develop our players and teams with an eye towards chess excellence, we also look forward to creating meaningful social opportunities and allowing our students to connect to a greater social community, through creating shared goals and team identity.

Spring Program Schedule:

* Chess Club & Team Programs run 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

* Daily Virtual Training Clubs run 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

* Daily Online Scholastic Chess League will be used as the play portion of our after-school programs, and will start at 4:30 pm each day. Players registered for our after-school programs will have daily access to our Online Chess Leagues. For those not attending our after-school programs you are welcome to join our Online Scholastic Leagues independently.

* Monthly Team tournament start at 9:30 am







Russ Makofsky