Help Give The Gift of Chess - 10,000 Sets

- The Gift of Chess -

Transforming virtual learning into community building - one set at a time!

Tournament Set.jpg

Dear Chess Friends,

We are giving a chess set to every child across all of our programs (10,000 sets). As our students continue to learn, compete, and push forward in our new virtual world, it’s extremely important they also have the opportunity to connect physically. There is no greater vehicle than providing each of our students with their very own chess set. In return, they can share the game they are learning virtually within their siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, and overall community. This will help create greater social interactions as they play, learn, and share knowledge. Every child should have the opportunity to learn chess - every child can excel at chess - every child can share chess with their community.

Before children receive their set, they will be given access to tech resources where they can learn and play online. Once they have reached our simple requirement of 100 puzzles + lessons + videos + workouts, they will have earned their very own chess set! Not only do we want kids to have their own set, we want them to earn it and also have the educational resources through our technology so that once they have their very own set, they can reach their fullest potential.

Please see below link to help purchase a single set - multiple sets - or sets for an entire school community.

Donate a Chess Set(s)

“The Gift of Chess” initiative will start with the following NYC Public Elementary schools. If this proves to be successful, we are happy to introduce “The Gift of Chess” to schools across NYC including public, private, and charter. The schools listed below have already been assigned technology and students are well on their way to earning their very own chess set!

  • P.S. 10 - Brooklyn

  • P.S. 11 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 111 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 116 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 130M - Manhattan

  • P.S. 130K - Brooklyn

  • P.S. 139 - Brooklyn

  • P.S. 59 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 230 - Brooklyn

  • P.S. 281 - Manhattan

  • PS. 32 - Brooklyn

  • P.S. 33 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 77 - Manhattan

  • P.S. 9 - Brooklyn

  • PS 42 - Manhattan * Completed

Donate a Chess Set(s)

Our sets will be free of charge to each student but earned through engagement. Chess changes lives; the exponential impact a set can have on one kid and on one community will be a game changer. Every dollar donated will go directly to the purchase of a chess set for our NYC public school students. We have already provided 400 sets to the students of PS 42 in Chinatown. Our plan is to provide 10,000 sets before Summer Break. We can start with 10,000, then push for much, much more!

Donate a Chess Set(s)

We plan on making our 1st order of 10,000 sets at a cost of ($4.65 per set) by the end of January. Once the order is placed, it will take several months to receive the sets. We plan on having sets for all students before Summer Break. In the meanwhile, we will continue to roll out our technology to ensure as many students as possible have access to this incredible opportunity.

Donate a Chess Set(s)

Although we are a not-for-profit organization, we do not have tax exempt 501(C)3 status. We will be unable to provide any tax documents in return for your donation. We will provide a receipt of your contribution. 100 percent of all monies donated (less the credit card processing fee) will go directly towards purchasing chess sets.

All donations made will be treated anonymously. If you do choose to support a particular school, please indicate it in the notes provided under the donation. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at

Donate a Chess Set(s)

With great appreciation,

Coach Russ

Russ Makofsky