Daily Message from Coach West - Meet Chess Expert Royal Buchanan

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Dear Chess Families & Friends,

Coach West here, and it's time for another edition of Team Shirt Fridays! Our team competition has become pretty fierce. Who will take it this week?

For many in our chess communities, it's a family affair! Send your photos of your chess players wearing their team shirts to ICNonlinecommunity@gmail.com, and we'll once again feature the winning team in Monday's morning message.

Also, please take a look at the latest in our ICN Player Profile series, featuring chess expert Royal Buchanan from PS 77 Lower Lab. Royal has been in impact player since kindergarten, training year round (including summer camps!) and playing every major event, and recently became the second player in ICN history to cross the USCF 2000 rating barrier while still in elementary school, making him an official Chess Expert.

Lastly, don't miss the ICN All Girls Chess Championship this Sunday! We are missing our Chicago trip this year for sure, but we still expect to have an excellent time, complete with competitive play and zoom rooms and great chess & coaching.

Information & Registration Here

Enjoy your weekends everyone, and we'll see you soon!

Be well,

Coach West

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Nashali Paulino