Daily Message from Coach West - Girls, Grades, & Overall Year End Championship

ICN Championship Series

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

Coach West here. Get your calendars out, get your cameras ready!

Today we're pleased to announce our series of ICN Championships to round out the school year.

*First up is our All Girls Championship on Sunday, May 24th. It will be 4 rounds of Game 45 / d5. We will have individual & team awards. There will be three sections:

  • Open

  • U1000

Register Here

*Next up is our first ever Grade Championship on Sunday, June 7th. It will be 4 rounds of Game 45 / d5. There will be one open section per grade (K through 5th), and all kids will play only other kids their own grade. There will be individual & team awards.

Register Here

*And finally is our ICN Individual & Team Championship on Sunday, June 21st. It will be 5 rounds of Game 45 / d5. We will have six sections:

  • K-5 Championship

  • K-5 U1000

  • K-3 Championship

  • K-3 U500

  • K-1 Championship

And we will crown individual & team champions!

Register Here


We are in the process of determining the most stable playing platform to ensure the highest quality playing conditions for these events.

We will have zoom team rooms open for these events for hanging out, game analysis, and awards ceremonies.

We may not be able to go to Chicago or Nashville to play, but we will still crown champions!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Coach West

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Nashali Paulino