Daily Message from Coach West - Meet Jude K

Meet PS 59’s Jude K

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Coach West here, it looks like we're in for a beautiful day.

Today, I'm pleased to introduce the seventh in our ICN Player Profile series, featuring the one and only ironman Jude K from PS 59.

Also, our 8th Team Shirt Friday is in the books, and we have another new champion.

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Today we pass the mantle to the one and only Chelsea Prep. The superstars from PS 33 have been the gold standard for a number of years now, and it looks like they have no intention of giving up that spot!

Please make sure and come to our STAR Room (Link in morning email)  to catch up with chess friends & coaches and see some game analysis!

Stay tuned for a big announcement soon about our trio of end-of-year Championships, it's going to be huge!


Coach West

Congratulations to the following kids who promoted to new ChessKid Groups for online tournament competition!


  •     Darren Reiss 1586

PROMOTED TO 1000+ or U1500

  •     Maxwell Stringer 1020

  •     Micah Reiss 1028

  •     Raphael Puritz 1048

  •     Jeremy K. Yoon 1058

  •     Aadi Hetamsaria 1183


  •     Jackson Zelznick 468

  •     Daniel Mulvihill 426

Nashali Paulino