G & T League Play Starts Monday


Dear G & T Chess Families,

The interest in our new G & T Daily Chess League has been fantastic! We will launch this coming Monday with our 11:30 am Rapid Open followed by our entire programming schedule including daily puzzle contests, live game review w/ G & T Coaches, daily themed lectures w/ G & T Coaches and our 4:00 pm serious matches. We will also included daily updated Individual & Team standings. You can find all of the information and registration details below. I have also provided a short video giving a brief overview of our online programming. We hope that many of you can participate. Myself, along with our G & T Coaching Staff are eager to welcome you! We are stronger together! Thanks, Coach Russ

Dear G & T Chess Families,

Thank you for all of your continued support. We have fielded plenty of feedback which has helped us evolve the idea of creating an online community for our highest performing G & T players.

This new G & T Online Community will help keep our students motivated through being a part of a larger supportive community. Our G & T Online Community will be available to all scholastic players 1000 + USCF.

Through our G & T Online Community we are thrilled to announce the launch of our G & T Chess League which will include daily tournaments, puzzle contests, and access to G & T Coaches for game review and daily lessons.

We will keep daily Individual and Team stats for both our tournaments and puzzle contests. Prizes will be awarded to top Players and Teams at the end of each month.

Daily Schedule:

  • 9:00 am - Opening Email - News & Standings

  • 11:30 am - Daily Rapid Open - 5 Rounds, G10, D5 - 1000 + USCF

  • 4:00 pm - Daily Serious Matches - 3 Rounds, G25, D5 - 1000 - 1499 USCF | 1500 + USCF

  • 6:30 pm - Daily Coaches lecture and game review (Zoom)

* Self study and puzzle contest participation can be done throughout the day.

Once a student has registered for our G & T Chess League they will be given a username and password which will give them access to our online playing platforms, including our daily events and contests. They will also be provided zoom links for our daily coaching sessions.

We hope everyone will consider participating. We encourage you to engage with our online programming at your own pace. For some that will mean participating in all daily activities, for others that can mean including us in portions of your daily programming throughout the week

Our strength as always been our players. We are stronger together!

  • League play will begin Monday April 13th

  • The cost will be $250 billed every 30 days.

  • Registration will provide unlimited daily access to our entire G & T Online Community with daily programming Monday - Friday.


Register Here


Coach Russ

About G & T Chess:

Over the years G & T Chess has helped develop many of NYC's top scholastic players. Through their weekly Quads and select intensive camps, G & T Chess has built a vibrant community of like-minded and like-skilled high performing NYC competitors.

Through the support of this community, access to world class coaches and the introduction of fun and innovative learning techniques G & T Chess continues to deliver the very best in competitive scholastic chess education & training.

Our G & T Online programming provides a perfect combination of match play, group analysis, coaching opportunities, daily themed lectures, social play and much more.

Russ Makofsky