Happy Holidays!

From everyone here at ICN, we are wishing you a very Happy Holiday season!


This years annual Coaches Party was another one for the books. Over the years we have truly become a family and each holiday season we take the opportunity to celebrate together!

Coaches enjoyed good food, music, and yes blitz chess:


We once again included our ICN Words of Wisdom and this year we add our new “Renaming ICN” contest.


Just for fun, at this years holiday party we decided to change our name for a day. ICN stands for Impact Coaching Network, but just for a day we took coaches submissions on a name change.

1. Impermanence Compassion Niceness

2. Idealized chess nation

3. Innovative Chess Nation

4. Interactive Chess Nominees

5. Interborough Chess Net

6. Inter ConnectioN

7. Improving Chess (k)Nowlege

8. Imparting Chess Nescience

9. Infamous Chess Nation

10. Inspire Create Niche

11. I Choose Now

12. Inspiring Connection Noticeable

13. Incredible Coach Nash

14. I Castle Nicely

15. Idyllic Chess News

16. Incredible Chess Ninjas

17. Inspire Children Niftily

We are all very grateful for the opportunity to do what we love each and every day! Thank you!

Russ Makofsky