Chelsea Prep USCF Rated Team Tournament


We look forward to having you join us on Sunday, February 28th for our PS 33 hosted February Team Tournament. PS 33 also known as Chelsea Prep has been a powerhouse program for many years winning at the City, State and National level. You can see their team accomplishments here.

This year we have decided to make our PS 33 Team Tournament a fundraising opportunity for our The Gift of Chess Initiative. Through The Gift of Chess - all proceeds from our PS 33 Team Tournament will go directly towards purchasing of chess sets for NYC public school students. We have listed the registration price at $45.90 which represents 10 chess sets donated.

Even though we will keep donations anonymous - we will announce the total number of sets raised at our events award ceremony along with the team who has raised the most amount of sets.

To date we have raised an incredible 4,000 sets. Our goal is to raise 10,000 sets for 10,000 NYC students. We have also partnered with Chess-in-the-schools along with to provide sets to NYC students across their network. We want The Gift of Chess Initiative to include students across all communities. Our goal is that each of us can participate in some capacity. Some as givers - some as receivers - many as both. This year we have committed to 10,000 sets - but we hope to grow it to much more in the future to eventually include every NYC Elementary school student! We are currently working towards 501(c) status with plenty of big plans ahead!

Even though our Monthly Team Tournaments are FREE of charge to all those players registered in our Spring Virtual After-school programs you are still welcome to register below and support The Gift of Chess Initiative.

Our PS 33 Tournament is open to all players from all schools!

Register Here

We look forward to an exciting day of chess!


Coach Russ

Russ Makofsky