Daily Message from Coach West - Who Won Team Shirt Friday?

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Who Won the Team Shirt Fridays Competition?

Good Morning Chess Friends!

Coach West here, welcome to continuing Spring chess! We hope everyone is well.

Our 7th Team Shirt Friday is in the books, and we have another new champion.

The winning team was the Lions of Lower Lab in Manhattan. The PS 77 Lions have been a formidable force in the chess world for a number of years, and all signs point to a bright future.

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Please make sure and come to our STAR Room to catch up with chess friends & coaches and see some game analysis!

Also, the fifth in our ICN Player Profile series is now available to watch, featuring Andrew Plasse from PS 281, The River School.

Finally, please take a moment to read our Letter from the Director regarding the state of our programs as we head into the future.


Coach West

Congratulations to the following kids who promoted to new ChessKid Groups for online tournament competition!

PROMOTED TO 1000+ or U1500

  • Devin Wang 1064

  • Charles Jia 1023

  • Kevin Xie 1043

  • Miles Stringer 1004


  • Yonah Wolfhagen 352

  • Evelyn Guo 317

  • Ananya Bhatnagar 445

  • Parker Chang 315

  • Ayan Shrestha 341

  • Francis Jia 302

  • Ethan Mosca 416

  • Shira Trilling 329

Nashali Paulino