Daily Message from Coach West - Meet Yoni Wolfhagen

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Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Coach West here, looking forward to having all the windows open again!

This last year, we added several new programs to the ICN family, and amazingly, we managed to add TWO PS 130s - one in Brooklyn, and then one in Manhattan!

Today, I'm pleased to introduce the eighth in our ICN Player Profile series, featuring the one and only Yoni Wolfhagen, from PS 130 in Brooklyn.

Yoni quickly emerged as a leader, with his bright and optimistic personality, and we love following his lead!


Coach West

Congratulations to the following kids who promoted to new ChessKid Groups for online tournament competition!


·     Liah Igel 1501

·     Bhavya Thakur 1556

·     Rohail Shah 1511

PROMOTED TO 1000+ or U1500

·     Miles Stringer 1087

·     Aarush Bandreddi 1020

·     Jack West 1041


·     Elizabeth Cao 495

·     Sophia Elicier 301

·     Wesley Lee 307

·     Vedika Sathaye 417

·     Dean Shalaby 524

·     Hana Mae Ninomiya 382

·     Walter Low 380

·     Bennett Sabino 548

Nashali Paulino