Daily Message from Coach West - 1 of 11,851 Team Shirt Friday & ICN Player Profile #2

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Good Morning Friends,

Coach West here, and today marks the 6th edition of Team Shirt Fridays! We love Team Shirt Fridays because any opportunity to see our chess players is a welcome reminder of what we cherish about our communities and teams and relationships.

So please send in your snapshots of your chess players in their team shirts to icnonlinecommunity@gmail.com, and again we'll honor the winning team with a picture profile on Monday! Who will take the next prize? Can't wait to see! :)

Also, today I have added ICN Player Profile #2, in which I profile PS 139's senior and team leader Abyl Dowshen Flores. I have enjoyed so much interviewing players in our network, and I look forward to doing more. Please have a look, and keep your eyes on more profiles to come!

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Coach West

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Chelsea Prep April 26th Tournament:

We are thrilled to announce our season's 1st Chelsea Prep Chess Tournament. Chelsea Prep has been a scholastic powerhouse for many years winning at the City, State and National level! We look forward to welcoming everyone this Sunday!

Learn More

ICN Online Community: Things to Note

Program Advice:

  • If you are an advanced player - 700 + USCF: DO EVERYTHING (Puzzles, videos, tournaments, lessons, live streams, books, exercises, chess, chess, chess) * We will be including interactive group classes on Zoom shortly.

  • If you are an intermediate player - 300 + USCF: DO EVERYTHING (Puzzles, videos, tournaments, lessons, live streams, books, exercises, chess, chess, chess) * We will be including interactive group classes on Zoom shortly.

  • If you are New To Chess:

* Focus on the Learn section on chesskid.com

  1. Lessons on chesskid.com. Start with Lesson One (Pawn 1) and continue all the way through (as many as are appropriate for your desired speed of advancement)

  2. Supplement with Videos on chesskid.com. Start by watching each Beginner Video (as many as are appropriate for your desired speed of advancement)

  3. As your knowledge base grows from Lessons and Videos, keep trying to work on solving Puzzles (this should happen in tandem)

  4. Once Puzzles begin to click...You should begin to test your skills on Play vs Kid on chesskid.com (time control 15 minutes)

Daily Online Schedule: 

  • 9:00 AM - Daily Opening Email

  • Content, puzzle contests, self study, private coaching

  • 11:30 AM, 5-round, G10, d5 - ICN Rapid Open will include all players across the ICN networks

  • 3:30 PM - Daily Coaches Meeting Uploaded on Youtube - Watch Here

  • 4:00 PM, 3 rounds G25, d5 - same format as our ICN monthly tournaments w/ U300, U700, U1000 & Open sections

  • Content, puzzle contests, self study, private coaching

Individual Winners (Top 10):

Rapid Open

  • Tabitha Peterson (111)

  • Caitlin Adams (139)

  • Clark Shlisky (77)

  • Jeremy K. Yoon (10)

  • Miles Cowal (230)

  • Wolfgang Damon (33)

  • Davey Murdoch (11)

  • Anthony Cortese (111)

  • William Lucas (33)

  • Abyl Dowshen Flores (139)

1000 +

  • Nathan Peyton (41)

  • Josh Price (Home)

  • Amitai Sebba (BCD)

  • Nathan Liu (Roxbury)

  • Christoffer Lamtan (11)

  • Rohail Shah (PS40)

  • Elliot Goodrich (77)

  • Chris DeDona (49)

  • Vrishank Pulavarty (TH Rogers)

  • Zephan Li (116)


  • Kevin Xie (10)

  • Anay Varma (11)

  • Dylan Lehde Coates (230)

  • Leo Tyszka (230)

  • Avin Pawar (33)

  • Royal Puritz (Miami Country)

  • Charles Kim (10)

  • Wolfgang Damon (33)

  • Daniel Terentyev (281)

  • Jack West (139)


  • Roger Pan (BIM)

  • Kai Hei Wong (33)

  • Leo Kocan (230)

  • Andrew (Drew)

  • Plasse (281)

  • Asher Cohen (116)

  • Adam Abdelgawad (BIB)

  • Caleb Jaffe (230)

  • Arjun Bhatnagar (10)

  • Nik Vig (33)

  • Anthony Cortese (111)


  • Nikolai Elkind-Maron (230)

  • Bennett Sabino (33)

  • Donovan Cope (230)

  • Otis Singer (230)

  • Michael Girimonti (111)

Daily Stats and Standings:

Finally, join me in congratulating all the winners from our daily events:

Our daily winners will be on display here.

Additionally, please see here for our updated day standings of our Puzzles contest.

Team Winners:

Rapid Open

  • PS 111, 6 points

  • PS 139, 6 points

  • PS 33, 6 points

  • PS 10, 5 points

1000 +

  • Homeschool, 4 points

  • PS 41, 3 points

  • BCD, 2 points

  • Roxbury, 2 points


  • PS 10, 6 points

  • PS 230, 4 points

  • PS 33, 4 points

  • PS 11, 3 points


  • PS 33, 7.5 points

  • PS 230, 6 points

  • PS 281, 5 points

  • PS 116, 4.5 points


  • PS 230, 4 points

  • PS 33, 2 points


ICN Puzzle Competition:

  • PS 33's Team leads with a total of 9,706 puzzles completed (Top 10)

  • PS 33's Team leads with a total of 17,656 puzzles completed (All Time)

  • PS 33's Nik Vig is leading the charts with 1122 puzzles completed in the last 7 days.

  • PS 77's Takki Tanaka is leading the charts with 84 puzzles completed in one day.

  • A special congratulations to PS 59's Jude Kazan for having the highest chesskid rating in the last 7 days of 2719.

We are happy to announce online streamed videos, with live commentary, and skill appropriate lesson content is available on our youtube channel.

Congratulations and keep up the great job

Nashali Paulino