1st Annual Chelsea Prep Half Day Interschool Tournament

Thursday March 5th, Chelsea Prep held their very first annual Half Day Intraschool Tournament. 

This type of tournament is the first of its kind and it was such a success! 

The day was filled with competitive yet friendly chess play, school yard games and pizza! 

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As for many of the students at Chelsea Prep this was their first tournament. This tournament created an opportunity for students to learn about the culture of tournament play and provide experience in a high energy competitive setting.


57 students competed ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Three rounds were completed and trophies were awarded at the end of the day.  The students competed in their appropriate sections listed below:

  • Championship - 1000 + USCF

  • Advancing - 600 - 1000 USCF

  • Rookie - U 600 USCF

  • Novice - Unrated

You can see the USCF rated report here.

The Top 3 players in each section were awarded special trophies that not only represented the hard work of the player but the rich history and legacy of chess at Chelsea Prep.


The first Annual Chelsea Prep Intraschool tournament was an unbelievable fantastic success that provided enrichment and fun for all the students.

Nashali Paulino