2nd Annual ICN Virtual Grade Championship!

All Players & Teams Welcome - Please Share


Dear Friends,

As we look forward to our December Team Tournament which was scheduled for this coming Sunday, December 20th, we have decided to update the format to reflect a K-12 Grade Championship. Grades K - 5 will compete as both individuals and teams, while grades 6 - 12 will compete as individuals only.

Players & Parents will have access to watch all of the games live - along with updated individual and team standings throughout the day.

See Our 1st Grade Championship Report

We will use swiss pairings and use each player's highest current rating achieved on either USCF (all ratings) or ICN.

We will count the top 4 boards per grade per team to make our team scores.

Our event will be 4 rounds G45, D5!

All Players & Teams Welcome!

Register Here

Registration for ICN Network Fall Programs includes Free Tournament Entry.

RSVP below.

Free RSVP Here for ICN Network Fall players

We look forward to welcoming everyone on Sunday!


Coach Russ

Russ Makofsky