Town Hall Recap - Parents, Coaches, Players, Friends & Organizers


Our ICN Community Town Hall was a tremendous success as we heard from fellow parents - coaches - friends - players & organizers. We hope you will find the Town Hall both informative and insightful as we all navigate our current virtual world. Central themes from our event were: chess is a cause worth fighting for; communities are longing for the connectivity that chess fosters; and that we are all stronger together.

We have listed several segments below in shorter clips along with the entire version. Please feel free to share.

Entire Town Hall - Players - Parents - Friends - Coaches - Organizers

A player's perspective - The transformative power of chess

An organizer's perspective (CIS) - Keeping the chess community engaged and moving forward

A coach - organizer - parent's perspective - What works and moving forward

A friend's perspective - Words of encouragement

Russ Makofsky