PS 111 January Chess Tournament (Results & Photos)

It was an exciting day at our seasons first PS 111 Chess Tournament. We continue to be impressed with the dedication, energy and enthusiasm by each player and program across the ICN Network!

With over 130 players representing programs from across New York City, it was our largest tournament ever hosted at PS 111. We now look forward to the upcoming Greater NY Scholastic Chess Championship Tournament.


Players and teams representing programs from PS 33, PS 116, PS 59, PS 11, PS 111, PS 130, PS 139, PS 77, PS 281 Basis Independent Manhattan and Basis Independent Brooklyn fought hard across all 4 competitive sections

Our Next Team ICN Team Tournament will be Sunday March 1st hosted at Lower Lab.

Team coaches kept players engage throughout the entire day by emphasizing a TEAM FIRST tournament environment which included both a competitive and supportive structure.

It was exciting to witness new players engaging in their first ever rated event, while our National Championship competitions battled fiercely throughout the entire day.

A Job Well Done!


We want to take a moment to thank the proactive

parent (s) of PS 111 Chess Team that have been a HUGE

help with continuing to grow our PS 111 USCF rated

players list and fund raising for the teams needs.

Team Standings:


K - 3 U 300:

  • 1st Place - PS 111

  • 2nd Place - PS 77

  • 3rd Place - SARO - Success Academy Rosedale


K - 5 U 700:

  • 1st Place - SARO - Success Academy Rosedale

  • 2nd Place - PS 11


K - 12 U 1000:

  • 1st Place - PS 11

  • 2nd Place - Basis Independent Brooklyn

K - 12 U 1400

  • 1st Place - PS 59

Individual Standings:

K -3 U 300:

  • Tino Pinsker - PS 111

  • Aden Girlade - SARO

  • Kanna Hayashi - PS 116

  • Cary Kopp - Rosephs

  • Ishaan Miah - PS 111

  • Alexander Kao - PS 32

  • Maxwell Kao - PS 32

  • Ameya Prankash - PS 77

  • Kaileigh King - SARO

  • Julian Meyers - PS 111

K - 5 U 700:

  • Adriella Nelson - SARO

  • Atman Prahlad - Avenues

  • Corey Pan - Basis Independent Manhattan

  • Luca Vucetic - PS 11

  • Andrew Plasse - PS 281

  • Somario Blagrove - SARO

  • Blake Burton - PS 166

  • Alexandria Allanah - SARO

  • Arlo Schnee - PS 33

  • Caiden Shuman - PS 77


K - 12 U 1000:

  • Aiden Grytsenko - PS 111

  • Elliot Crawford - PS 11

  • Gus Kumar - Basis Independent Brooklyn

  • Lev Shangin - PS 198

  • Emma Phu - PS 11

  • Nafis Oridami - SARO

  • Arcady Ritter - 318

  • Vivek Chaudhuri - OLC

  • Brody Silvers - Dalton

  • Wyland Maietta - Brooklyn Independent Brooklyn

K - 12 U 1400:

  • David Shen - PS 290

  • Arhan Javeri - PS 59

  • Liam Chan

  • Logan Newby - Dalton

  • Kiaan Javeri - PS 59

  • Go Clancy - PS 59

  • Theo Tsao - Trinity

  • Hadrian Stewart - S.A. Union Square


  • Jude Kazan - PS 59

Nashali Paulino