ICN November Team Invitational
Our 2nd ICN Team Invitational was a huge success! Players and coaches from all ICN programs participated in what proved to be a very competitive day for all schools, sections and players.
It truly is rewarding to play our small role in these children's lives and watch them as they grow, develop and thrive both on and off the chess boards!
We hope you had as much fun as we did!
Individual Results:
U 600:
- 1st - Robert Bernal - PS 59
- 2nd - Nate Rotem - PS 33
- 3rd - Keysuan Stubbs - SA
- 4th - Taylor Wile - SA
- 5th - Devion Serrano - SA
U 1200:
- 1st - Amelia Camilleri - PS 59
- 2nd - Hafsta Dada - SA
- 3rd - Amaury Torres - SA
- 4th - Jack Neirick - PS 11
- 5th - Rose Mordem - PS 33
- 1st - Charlotte Peterson - PS 33
- 2nd - Nathaniel Mullodzhanov - PS 11
- 3rd - Ian Nicholson - PS 33
- 4th -Joshua Isaacs - PS 11
- 5th - Cooper Ho - PS 59
Team Standings:
U 600:
- 1st - Success Academy
- 2nd - PS 33
U 1200:
- 1st - PS 59
- 2nd - PS 33
- 1st - PS 33
- 2nd - PS 59
You can find your child's updated raring at the below USCF rating report.
Our next ICN Team Open will be Sunday December 11th