Chelsea Prep Takes 1st at Avenues!
On Sunday September 25th, Chelsea Prep players participated in the City-wide Avenues Tournament!
Chelsea Prep won clear 1st in both the Primary and Future Masters (Top Section) sections.
Future Masters:
- Ian Nicholson
- William Tse
- Jonathan Guo
- Tim Ng
- Raphael Puritz
- Aliya Saldanha-Suri
- Sophia Degregorio
A Special Congratulations to 3rd grader Ian Nicholson on an incredible performance going 3 - 0 in the Future Masters section and taking 2nd place in the entire tournament against players much higher rated!
Also, Kindergartner Whitney Tse was in top form in only her 2nd rated tournament taking 1st place in the K/1 section!